Mr Obsessed Diaries, episode 2; The Meet Up

After about 4 months of contact with this guy I had known for a few years but had seemingly dissapeared off the face of the earth (wishful thinking) for a majority of the time i had the misfortune to know him, we agreed to meet again.

When I say agree I mean “pleeeease see me, i love you so much i want you to have my babies, give me a chance” kind of talk until I agreed.

He met me from work one night and we went for a drive in his swanky car. He had travelled about 50 miles to see me and right from the off he was full on.

Within 10 minutes he was trying to play tonsil tennis with me, sadly for him, he kept hitting the net on his serve. I wasn’t disinterested, just figuring out what I was thinking of the situation.

He was staying in a hotel, I was staying at my boyfriend’s at the time (oops).

Never has anyone so forcefully tries to get me to stay in a hotel with them. I wasn’t seeing alarm bells, I just thought he was keen and really into me, and he thought I was playing hard to get.

Thankfully after a few hours of me repeating why I had to go home he drove me to my boyfriends and we agreed to meet in town the next day. So we did. I went into a shop to buy a top I had my eye on and he met me after telling me he bought me a present. It was a new phone (mine was well known for breaking and being old) which I said I couldn’t accept but he gave it to me anyway.

He gave me money to buy sexy underwear for that night when I was told I was staying with him. I bumped into some friends and was having a chat so he jumped in with “look at my job look at my car look at my new girlfriend” i managed to laugh it off.

He dropped me home after recklessly driving his car to try and impress me as I had work that evening. Again he picked me up and we drove to the hotel where there was champagne and roses waiting and i was blown away.

After mixing the champagne with some vodka most of the night is a blur, all I remember is being told to dump my boyfriend and having sex.

I woke up the next day a little worse for wear, clothes everywhere and feeling horridly guilty. Arms and legs everywhere and then I felt this weird feeling for this guy I thought for some reason he meant it when he said he loved me.

He woke up saying all the right things “morning beautiful” “you look so awesome” then “we would be so good together” I agreed to some point. Me being 17 over-romantasised sex for “making love” and basically fell for him there and then for no real reason other than he looked at me like he didn’t want me to leave and said all the right things.

His boat home was booked and we were saying goodbye until we decided I was staying in the car. I got on the boat home with him. Thankfully I saw sense and got the next boat back. I had run away before and the end result was not pretty. After a somewhat emotional goodbye we agreed to meet again….


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